Thursday, March 29, 2007

Installation of SAP NetWeaver 2004s Java and ABAP Trial Version

I'm going to try the latest trial version of SAP NetWeaver 2004s Java and ABAP on a virtual machine based on VMware Server. First of all, I have to download all packages from SDN.

If you planned to install these products on separate host, the installation order is not important. If you have only one machine to try, it is recommended to install ABAP edition prior to the Java edition (read more).

One more thing, the Java edition does not support JDK 1.5.0 so you have to install JDK 1.4.2 instead.

Install SAP NetWeaver 04s Full ABAP Trial Version

Installing ABAP Trial Version is quite easy. I just answered 2 questions.

  1. Install location: E:\SAP
  2. Master password: ********

It took about 2 hours to finish the installation (8.6 GB). Then I started to install Java edition.

Install SAP NetWeaver 04s SP9 Java Trial Version

  1. JDK location: C:\j2sdk1.4.2_13
  2. JCE location: E:\
  3. Instace ID: J2E
  4. Install location: E:
  5. Master password: ********
  6. User domain: Local installation
  7. Administrator password: ********
  8. Service user password: ********
  9. Database ID: J2E
  10. Host: xxxx
  11. MaxDB installation drives: E:
  12. Database administrator password: ********
  13. Database manager operator password: ********
  14. Java database schema password: ********
  15. Secure store settings: ********
  16. Database statistics: Create statistics after the import ends
  17. SCS instance number: 01
  18. SDM password: ********


It turned out that these trial products must not be installed on the same machine in any orders. I tried both and got unexpected error during installation.

  1. ABAP -> Java - It went very close to success but eventually, Java version didn't detect the existing ABAP instance correctly.

  2. Java -> ABAP - There is no option to choose instance number in ABAP version. Furthermore, the install wizard in ABAP didn't even try to add new database but remove all existing database and install new ones.

Finally, I managed to have Java version in virtual machine with 384 MB main memory. It took about 3 hours to successfully start Java engine. Anyway, it is possible to freeze the machine so I don't have to shutdown and start it again.

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Java vs NetWeaver Expert ....To be Or Not Tobe

NetWeaver, what`s that?.... java, What`s that?....
Will i become Netweaver Expert??????
To Be or Not To Be???
See Me later....

Morale Of Story...

Time`s to change....

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

C3PO , jtds , and dbcp fighting


we got the result.....

C3PO won that game.... jtds & dbcp failed to maintain the connection pooling after the tcp connection reset. then, the conn pooling state was not handled properly. Maybe the connection pooling was exhauted and no active connection for our application on that time. This situation made our application need to restart for every hour.

after a quite busy time to do research abt that problem, my sifu got the C3PO setting. Then, it resolved our mystery problem.. fuh...

now.. our application is running peacefully.... hehehe.. peace in mind...

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Citer Favourite peysal Sewaktu Kecil Dahulu

Aku telah dipaksa oleh makhluk yg jahat bernama peysal utk meletakkan link ini disini

Friday, March 16, 2007

5 Sbb kenapa Spring

5 Sbb kenapa Spring

10 Tips utk Belajar Hibernate (Kelas Permulaan)

  1. Create a new class, implementing the Serializable interface.
  2. Add class variables id and version, which are both of type Long. These variables are the primary key and the version number for optimistic locking respectively.
  3. Add any properties you need.
  4. Write a default constructor. All variables of type Collection, List, Set, ... should be initialized here.
  5. Generate getters and setters for all properties:
    1. id should have a public getter, and no setter
    2. version should have a protected getter, no setter
    3. variables of type Collection, List, Set, ... have a public getter and no setter. The public getter preferably return an unmodifiable list.
  6. Add annotations to the class variables rather than to the getters or setters.
    1. class-level: @Entity and maybe @Table(name=xxx). When using inheritance you will also need to specify the inheritance type.
    2. id: @Id and @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    3. version: @Version
    4. variables: Hibernate Validator annotations such as @NotNull, @Length, @Range, ...
    5. variables: @Column(name=xxx), but only when the column name is not the same as the variable name
    6. variables: @OneToOne, @OneToMany, @ManyToOne or @ManyToMany in the case of relations.
  7. When using relations, make sure that the relation is bidirectional. For the sake of simplicity, I create utility methods that handle this on 1 side of the relation: properties of type Collection have utility methodes addXXX and removeXXX. The corresponding setter on the other side of the relation is protected, and called from the utility methods.
  8. Implement equals and hashcode methods.
    1. Always compare values using the getters of the properties, not the class variables directly.
    2. Do not compare id and version
    3. Do not compare Collections
  9. Add a mapping element to the hibernate.cfg.xml file
  10. You're done!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

C3PO vs DBCP Connection Pool

pernah pakai sebelum ni , dah lama pakai.... mcm bagus jer....

tak pernah pakai... tgh pakai... tunggu dan lihat..
so far, mcm DBCP lg bagus... apa2 pun tunggu result dulu....

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cari Buku... Jumpa Buku...Object Modeling in color by peter coad

Akhirnya telah jumpa buku Object Modeling in color by peter coad..
tp tak de masa nak baca... Tp Simpan Dulu.. nanti ada masa baru baca....
Sifu saya tak rekomen sgt ttg buku ini.. Sifu kat " Buku Analysis Pattern lg Bagus Dari Buku ni,
Sbb cth & explaination dlm buku ni terlalu general"..

Komen Saya Ttg Buku ni...??? Belum Baca lg daaa..
Kalau dah baca baru boleh komen...
Harap Buku ni dpt memberikan satu yg positif pada saya..

Cari Buku Yg Susah Nak Jumpa, Tp Terserempak Jua Dipertengahan jalan.
Buku ni dapat dari Sifu saya, tp saya jumpa kat dept lain...

Kalau ikutkan dah lengkap la 4 buku yg dicari..
Biar Masa yg Beri Saya Peluang utk baca buku ni..