Tuesday, September 11, 2007



Looking for Smart Client Container for java

Currently, I am looking the smart client container which support on-line and off-line mode.. The smart client is actually combination of thin and rich client.. The web browser is not a smart client.. becoz it never go to school :D.. the smart client should adopt with the SOA..

finally i found the smart client container for java, it also for me..


but... :(

then, i found another demo of smart client container for java


I hope i can implement Smart Client + SOA in the future project :D

Who is the Follower, Who is the Leader

Last few days, i got a seminar. All is about IT Technologies.. That event was made me feel good if i could managed myself into their world.. I really impressed with 1st demo and 2nd demo. Actually, I was really like the topic than the demo actually. 1st Topics is Enterprise Pattern and Testability. The presenter was impressed me by one of his demo that i called the refactoring process. Actually, That demos was including Nunit. oppp.. not Nunit but their unit testing so called.. The presenter was show their ability to refactoring the codes from top-down code into the nice code with unit tests together. Nice codes means.. it difficult to say about nice codes.. may be u can googling the meaning of "Nice Codes".. I was impressed that demo.. It was like booooom.. wah... nice.. nice...nice.. It was like a master of kungfu show the powerful movements...

But.. when i was on the way to my home, my brains was thinking about the moving of another new world but.. The key is... who is the leader.. who is the follower... of these concepts. So... it made me to stay in the current line and will not plan to moving into the another world...

Morale of the story..
next time, I will only impress when i see the successful real-world scenario project which is brought a lot of complexity into the system.. actually, the simple demo always not covers the difficult or complex parts.