Thursday, October 30, 2008

how diff file in different dir


#cd $fs_folder
#echo `ls` > $work_dir/list_dir.txt
rm -R $work_dir

mkdir -m 755 $work_dir

for list in `cat $list_dir`
echo $list
cd $fs_folder\\$list
echo `ls *.jsp` > $work_dir/$list-ls.txt
for jspfile in `cat $work_dir/$list-ls.txt`
echo $jspfile
diff $fs_folder\\$list\\$jspfile $nd_folder\\$list\\$jspfile > $work_dir/$list-$jspfile-diff

cd $work_dir
rm *.txt

Monday, September 15, 2008

startup svnserve as service

I really tired off using svn through http protocol in my office here.
Then, today i tried to change to svn protocol instead of http protocol

let say my repos is c:\svn\project1

1. cd svn\project1\conf
2. I find svnserve.conf, i change that file according to below
My svnserve.conf looks like: 
 anon-access = none 
 auth-access = read 
 password-db = passwd 
 realm = My First Repositor

3. then, i find passw file and  change the file
my passwd file looks like:

fadhlan = fadhlan

4. i set the svn as a windows service 
sc create svn binpath= "\"C:\program files\Subversion\bin\svnserve.exe\" --service -r C:\svn" displayname= "Subversion Server" depend= Tcpip start= auto net start svn

5. then i make sure the service is running,telnet the svn port 3690. 

6. try to checkout using eclipse. For me, the url is svn://<-svn-ipaddress->/project1

7. done.. or maybe u can bringdown ur apache server

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Installation on SVN office completed

Thanks ttwangsa, 

was helping me for svn installation at my office today.. I took a few minutes to configure it. 
Thanks ttwangsa again.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dont panic when u read log files

"U dont panic when i read log files". This was what i said to my new friend cum junior here.

Here are step to do some troubleshooting with java logs file

1. Read the updated line of log file...  or may be u shld use tail -f
2. Understand the error log and try remember the past troubleshooting solution. The error log give same message for the same problem consistently. Then, u shld use same solution for same problem.
3. If u have superiors / seniors, better u ask them before u ask google. some how google could not understand ur queries but google is intelligent enough for u if u are also intelligent to ask a  good query to google. 
4. If u senior answer questions then, ask them the detail explaination.
5. If u senior could not answer ur questions , then u ask them for his resignation. hahahahahaha

fikir-fikirkan.. selamat beramal

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

today is new day, yesterday is last day

1. my 1st day at icimb msc tpm, I came here so early.. 7.45 am...
2. i got new friends but they came in office late.
3. 1st day i drove a satria tua to office.

1. The Last day, i had been at pos
2. The Last day, i touched the OAL Server and codes.

Friday, August 29, 2008

sumarry of jdk 5.0 enhancements

  • Generics - Provides compile-time type safety for collections and eliminates the drudgery of casting.

  • Enhanced for loop - Eliminates the drudgery and error-proneness of iterators.

  • Autoboxing/unboxing - Eliminates the drudgery of manual conversion between primitive types (such as int) and wrapper types (such as Integer).

  • Typesafe enums - Provides all the well-known benefits of the Typesafe Enum pattern (Effective Java, Item 21) without the verbosity and the error-proneness.

  • Static import - Lets you avoid qualifying static members with class names, without the shortcomings of the Constant Interface antipattern (Effective Java, Item 17).

  • Metadata - Lets you avoid writing boilerplate code, by enabling tools to generate it from annotations in the source code. This leads to a "declarative" programming style where the programmer says what should be done and tools emit the code to do it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Good Interview Question

What is Thread-Safe?
Is Jsp Thread-safe?
Is Struts Action Thread-safe?
Comparison between struts2.x vs struts1.x
Comparison between spring vs struts1.x
Struts1.x validator?
Struts2.x validator?
EJB On Tomcat?
How Many Jdbc Driver Type?
What Jdbc Driver Type 4?
Why Implement Serializable?
Comparison Between Jdk 1.4 vs jdk 1.5

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Preparing interview @ ICIMB

I just prepared myself to attends the interview again.

1. i filled up the employment form. I had to fill up many fields and form pages.
2. study tips on j2ee + ejb Q & A interviews. study on the most popular question.. the most interview i had, the interviewee always asked the common or popular questions
such as
1. threading
2. sorting algorithm
3. synchronization
4. hashmap vs hashtable
5. list vs vector
6. more and more common questions.

Reject a good opportunity

Today, i reject a good job offer..
i think i did the right decision...
stay here a while :D..
help our friends here :D...
still looking better opportunities. :D..
when my time comes in, i will moving as well as my friends did.
then, good bye It labs with our memories...
I hope i will getting a good paid like my friend..
His income now is near 5 digit ... wow...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

In between offers

i just got job offers

job 1 :
Join our company as soon as possible. they pay my 2 months notice.
I wont join them.

job 2:
Join our company after i spend 2 months notice with the current company.

Both of them did not send me the letter of offer. :( damn it..

What will i do now is i should attend 2nd or 1st interview until i get a good one. :D

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Interview @ Mimos

Today, i had an interviews @ mimos. My interview session was so bad. That is not my fault but their fault. They reschedule my interview from 4 to 5 pm with the late notice. I really disappointed with this interview. However, my interview was started on 5.30. We started with a very short interview. Then, They gave me tests and asked me dropped my answer papers on the help desk counter. After that, they leaved the mimos. After i finished the test, i found no body at the help desk. I just dropped my papers and going home. However, I did my best to answer all interview questions.

Below are few questions from mimos interviews.
1. QuickSort
2. List,ArrayList,Vector
3. Collections vs Collection
4. Socket Programming, Client-Server, BufferedReader, PrinterWriter
5. Socket Programming, send Java Object.
6. Why use webservice, is it rpc-webservice? why not use rmi?
7. why use java 1.5, why not use java 1.4?
8. why use hibernate?
9. why use hashtable, hashmap, treemap

Thursday, June 12, 2008

tell me why?

why use hashtable?
why use stringBuffer?

Interview help me to improves myself

through out this months, i had attended many job interviews from many companies which are from different background. These interviews made me to think about myself-improvements in some important areas. It also told me about my self. It did not lies about me... interviews help me to know who am I. where my level is ?. interviews also help me to find my real weakness. and telling me how to fix the weakness.. Besides that, interviews also help me to getting know what others people do. After these interviews, i really know about my self, and will do some improvements about my self. Thanks to whom gave very constructive advices and ideas.. thanks a lot to Stephan Brandt for giving the best interview session that i ever had. That interview took around 4 hours. we started with a very warming session. no test.. he just gave me the tricky job interview questions.. the answers are no wrong or right.. I hope i get the job.. the job sound like interesting.. the working environment is really interesting...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008