Thursday, June 26, 2008

Preparing interview @ ICIMB

I just prepared myself to attends the interview again.

1. i filled up the employment form. I had to fill up many fields and form pages.
2. study tips on j2ee + ejb Q & A interviews. study on the most popular question.. the most interview i had, the interviewee always asked the common or popular questions
such as
1. threading
2. sorting algorithm
3. synchronization
4. hashmap vs hashtable
5. list vs vector
6. more and more common questions.

Reject a good opportunity

Today, i reject a good job offer..
i think i did the right decision...
stay here a while :D..
help our friends here :D...
still looking better opportunities. :D..
when my time comes in, i will moving as well as my friends did.
then, good bye It labs with our memories...
I hope i will getting a good paid like my friend..
His income now is near 5 digit ... wow...