Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Interview @ Mimos

Today, i had an interviews @ mimos. My interview session was so bad. That is not my fault but their fault. They reschedule my interview from 4 to 5 pm with the late notice. I really disappointed with this interview. However, my interview was started on 5.30. We started with a very short interview. Then, They gave me tests and asked me dropped my answer papers on the help desk counter. After that, they leaved the mimos. After i finished the test, i found no body at the help desk. I just dropped my papers and going home. However, I did my best to answer all interview questions.

Below are few questions from mimos interviews.
1. QuickSort
2. List,ArrayList,Vector
3. Collections vs Collection
4. Socket Programming, Client-Server, BufferedReader, PrinterWriter
5. Socket Programming, send Java Object.
6. Why use webservice, is it rpc-webservice? why not use rmi?
7. why use java 1.5, why not use java 1.4?
8. why use hibernate?
9. why use hashtable, hashmap, treemap

1 comment:

Chriz Yuen 殷声伟 said...

Hi friend, which mimos you applied?
I success enter kulim mimmos, reporting in at 28th july.

If you wish keep on contact could add me msn:chrizyuen@hotmail.com